
I am a PhD candidate in Business in the Strategy Unit at Harvard Business School and affiliate of the Digital Data Design (D^3) Institute at Harvard. My interests are in strategy/entrepreneurship and AI for economic development and social and environmental impact. My work assists small and medium business entrepreneurs to grow with technology and AI in emerging economies. It also focuses on impact. I work with tech firms and startups including in fintech, small firms, health, poverty, gender, and environment. 

I use field experiments, causal AI, and applied theory, and have won large funding awards, including UKAID-Energia and Grand Challenges amongst others, as well as multiple Best Paper Awards

I received my bachelor's in statistics and economics, and master's in economics from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Prior to Harvard I worked as a principal investigator with Innovations for Poverty Action, and as a director of research running experiments with solar entrepreneurs in East Africa.




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Personal affiliations/pages: 

Harvard Website

Harvard Business School Profile

Environment for Development 

Innovations for Poverty Action

Digital, Data, Design (D^3) Institute, Harvard University